Monday, June 11, 2007

Heat of the night...

That used to be a TV show, and I think it was also included in some song lyrics... but it was most recently the status of our night last night! Thank goodness for the reconnected A/C today!!!!! We are adding an addition on our house, and the A/C unit was located right where the addition was going, so we had to have it disconnected, and moved. We were procrastinating having it reconnected, mostly just because we didn't need it all that much. But, out of the blue, yesterday's summer temps kicked in, and our indoor temperatures reached 84 degrees.... urgh! But, now, thanks to the technology of a great cooling system, our house is now a more comfortable 70 degrees, and it couldn't have come at a better time ~ today's outdoors high made it to 91 degrees!!! Wow.... gotta love summer.

However, it isn't just the temperatures that are "hot" lately... my mood has been too. I had a miserable day at work last Thursday (which I referred to in Friday's post), and the residue of that office stress rekindled itself this morning... merely driving into my parking lot at work kicked in the nausea and knotted up my insides. How does a person know what their purpose is in life? I wish I had the answer, but one thing I am guessing would be true, is that I wasn't intended to be in my current job for the rest of my life. I don't know what I'll do instead, but I sure would be open to new opportunities. Sometimes I ask myself "what should I do when I grow up?" Well, if swimming paid the bills, I'd be all over that one. Or, if I were already a published author, I could pour myself into that endeavor. What I'd really love to do, would be to go around the country speaking to groups, corporations, churches, schools, etc regarding suicide prevention, and surviving tragic loss. Wow, that doesn't probably sound very inspiring, but actually, I wish I could spread the word like that. But how does a person "do" that? How do you get your name out there, get "in the speaking circuit" as it were? If anyone knows how to launch yourself into the Public Speaking venue, let me know.

In the mean time, I will tough out my current job, listen to some of my own advice and use it as a learning tool to grow from this experience, and take it one day at a time.

Live life to the fullest... go for the risk, we only live once (yes, I'm trying to convince myself here).

1 comment:

Mary said...


I was sitting outside with some friends last night and I asked each one of them, "what do you want to do when you grow up." It was amazing that nobody had a "concrete answer." It is time to put that question at the top of our lists.

Hang in there!!
