Sunday, September 28, 2008


Noah always finds a way into the action with his brothers... Here, Noah crashes the photo moment with Matt and his friend as they posed with their little buddy between shots with all the rest of the Homecoming Dance crew
Matt says "Good Morning little buddy" one morning before heading off to school... they're both in great moods in the mornings!

Ben has all kinds of school spirit with his Thompson Tommies face paint on... I think his class (the class of 2014, can you believe it?!) won the school spirit contest between the other grades.
This is what an entryway looks like when 17 kids storm you house, to hang out and watch a movie, when it's too damp outside to have a bon-fire after the homecoming football game. It was quite a sight to see this many pairs of shoes in my entry way at one time.
This group of friends all hung out together (most of these kids belong to the shoes shown above, ha) for their senior year Homecoming Dance. Everyone was dressed to the hilt, and had a great time. They're a great group of kids!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Life is GOOD!

Life is Great for this little guy... a tooth finally broke through, so as you can see, he's happier and more full of smiles!!! His mouth isn't hurting as much, and he's squacking and babbling LOTS more!!!
Sometimes when I get started snapping pictures, I get on a role, and can't stop capturing these amazing and fun moments. Sometimes, when I'm stressed about this or that, all it takes is a slobbery kiss from Noah, and a giggle or coo, and my worries are lessened. He's a constant reminder of what's truly important in life, and what is just fluff.

Sleeping Beauty (Handsome)

Sometimes Noah's naps take place in our arms, as was the case on this particular afternoon. Sometimes, if we're having a lazy afternoon (RARELY are we lazy, maybe just catching our breath instead, ha), we'll just hold him if we think laying him down would cause him to wake up. As you can see in this picture, there wasn't much danger in him waking up, as he was OUT FOR THE COUNT! (I think he may have even been snoring).
He was sleeping SOOOO soundly, that his little dreams were pretty enjoyable I think! Either that, or he was REALLY processing his dinner, and his tummy was tickling him with rumbles of gas bubbles. haha. We couldn't stop laughing at his cheesy grin in his sleep!
When he woke up, the puzzled look on his face was equally amusing... he must have been wondering what we were all looking at, and why he was being laughed at. He's a non-stop source of joy, entertainment, and wonderful memories!