Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Living Life with GUSTO!!!

This is exactly how excited I am on this day!!! This photo was part of a "photo shoot" (it's so fun to say that... but it was REALLY out of my comfort zone to be the target of the camera lens, that why I just went crazy and laughed the whole time). In an effort to get some pix for my upcoming website and the back of my book, I hired a brilliant guy to take some photos... was SUCH a fun time!
My joy is overflowing, because today is the day that I get a large shipment of books... MY book... my PUBLISHED book... from my publisher, delivered by UPS... in a few hours (can't tell I'm excited, can you?). Below is the cover (many of you have seen this already, but wanted to share here in case you haven't), and it's available for purchase through the publisher's website (search by author name... Karyn Gall Hippen), or available from me. If you want an advance copy, just send me the retail price of $14.99, plus a couple bucks for shipping, and tell me where to send your copy (or copies, hehe).
My nationwide release date is set for December 1st... at which time it will be available through amazon.com, other online bookstores, as well as in retail bookstores all over (hopefully). I thank you in advance for your interest, your support, and your encouragement. I couldn't have accomplished this amazing dream, if it were not for the love and support of family and friends, but above all, it's God that has gotten me to where I am today... a strong woman!! I hope you all "Live Life with GUSTO", and embrace the journey. It's not about how hard we have it, or showing our badges of courage to prove our survivability... it's about celebrating the grace of God, and the merciful love with which He gets us through our struggles along the way. To GOD be the Glory!!!
Blessings to all my friends and family... I love you all more than words can ever capture. I am the luckiest woman on earth!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fun at the Lake

Noah doesn't always look so serious... see, he really DOES smile a lot!! And look at all those pearly whites!!
Noah and Devin (Noah's cousin) were so funny in the cabin... they were running back and forth into PaPa's bedroom, and it was hard to snap a picture of them giggling... at least Devin stopped for a split second for my camera request.
Bouncing on the trampoline was fun with Grandma Karen... too bad it wasn't warmer that weekend so we could have seen them bouncing on it in the water at the lake. Oh well, it was fun this way too.
This isn't MEANT to be a riding toy, I don't think, but it was fun to watch the boys play together. They're still a little young for REALLY playing together, but we can see it'll be a great friendship into the future!
Ben got a dirt bike with all the paper-boy money he saved all summer, and the little boys wanted to sit on it too. You can see that Devin was MUCH more impressed with Ben's new set of wheels, than Noah was... I'm sure he was just thinking "oh great, now Ben won't play with me anymore".
As PaPa was doing a remodel project on the lake cabin, the boys were peaking inside to see what they could see. It was so cute to see them watching inside like that. Fun times always happen at the Hippen Cabin.

Summer fun!!

We treated our family to a pool this year... it's still small and not something I can resume my laps in, but it's fun, nonetheless. Matt even spent some time playing with Noah in it this summer.
We've been enjoying our patio and have eaten outside a few times this season... Noah LOVES the freedom of eating outside and being able to run around between bites of supper.
Ben and Noah are probably the biggest fans of the pool. Ben is really shining as a big brother... he volunteers to play with Noah anytime the weather's warm enough to hang out in the pool. True buds for sure!


It was hard not to be able to share these memories sooner (my computer was not cooperative), but I'm thrilled to be able to share these special times now. Matt's graduation was amazing... don't get me wrong, it's not like I didn't know he would graduate, it was never a doubt. But seeing him in the sea of classmates, with his honors ribbon draped around his neck, and wearing his cap proudly, AND hearing him sing in the choir, was more than my emotions could hold back.
I sobbed and sobbed... (I NEVER cry, by the way), and was overwhelmed with pride, love, and joy for my son.
Seeing the three boys together like this was a fantastic moment! God is good... my richest blessings were captured in this photo... my heart rejoiced that day (and still is)!