Monday, November 26, 2007

First Winter Storm...

Blustery wind, blowing snow, and reduced visibility. That's the gist of our evening here in the Red River Valley today. Actually, I have to whisper a little confession ~ I was giddy when I saw the snow flurries blowing outside this afternoon. I was excited, and cheered on the flakes as they blew through the air, despite the fact that it was hard to see my way home. I figured I might as well embrace the inevitable! We live in North Dakota. It is almost December. It's only a matter of time until we dig out our shovels, don our hats & mittens, and get in the habit of plugging in our cars at night. So, if it's going to happen sooner or later, why not embrace the sooner, than have anxiety over the later?

With the arrival of the first winter storm, I am also made aware of a new burst of energy and reduced stress as this year's holiday season approaches. I started making homemade gifts this weekend, and haven't even felt stressed about it. I think a lot of that has to do with the new job in my life, along with the renewed ability to handle stress and sort through old wounds/nightmares. Someone dear to me pointed out that maybe I'm more equipped to embrace the upcoming Christmas Season because over the past year, I've dealt more with my past. I started the support group within this past year, and I think that's put a lot of things into perspective, and helped me realize the importance of loving life, cherishing family, and letting the old hurts rest.

I hope you all can also embrace whatever weather comes your way as we move into December. I wish you the blessing that the magic of the Season can bring, and I pray for your peace and love at this most Glorious time of year.

Season's Greetings to you all! And may the Joy of the Holidays fill your hearts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was secretly hoping for the "Big one" too! ~ Sarah