Monday, December 3, 2007

More cold weather

How is it that people complain every year, around this time, when the snow starts falling, and the wind starts blowing, and we all have to plug in our cars at night? How can we complain about something that's chosen by us (we choose to live here, in this climate)? How can we complain about something we have no control over? It's because we've become accustomed to getting things exactly as we'd like them, without any discomfort or unpleasantness. In other words, we want a perfect world. But if you ask me, a good ol' winter storm IS perfect. I mean, people are worried about global warming, so as an offset, we get an whopper of a blizzard. Sounds balanced to me. I'm probably the minority in this neck of the woods... I LIKE a good strong winter storm (as long as I'm not driving in it, and my loved ones are safe and sound). But it's a brisk awakening to our senses, and it's so fun to play in the snow (or watch the kids play in it).

As you move into the beginning of December, I hope you find yourself able to enjoy the snow, embrace the season, and stop complaining. :)

1 comment:

rickandryann said...

I'm jealous of your winter storm and snow. I want snow!!! Maybe I need to come visit you all in the winter to fully enjoy a good North Dakota storm. :) Keep warm and drink lots of hot chocolate!