Saturday, October 25, 2008

FIRST HAIR CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Noah is very well known for his CRAZY hairdo! His amazing locks of soft curls have been the attention grabber of anyone that's seen him. The hair on top of his head, and the hair around the back of his neck & above his ears, is the longest, with a mysterious thinner band around the middle of his head... almost like a reverse Friar Tuck look. And the SNARLS that get tangled in there... my, oh my. So... this afternoon, Ed and I were thinking we'd probably had enough, and we had a rare brave streak, and decided to try our hand at the kitchen barber shop.
Noah sat EXCEPTIONALLY still on his daddy's lap while mommy snipped away, and it was actually quite easy, and as far as I can tell, I did a fairly even job of it. He looks SO much more evened out now, and actually even looks older (not that I was rushing THAT or anything). Now it's just a question of how long it will take his biggest brother to notice. ;-)
You can see there was quite a pile of hair on the floor when we were done... Ed was feeling a little envious of Noah's trimmings, since Ed hasn't had a pile that thick in quite a few years (shhh, don't tell him I said that) ha.