Matthew, 1991, with Uncle Stuart (yeah, Stu used to have hair, this is proof)... Matt was less than a month old, visiting family for his baptism in Wisconsin.

Here Matt (again, 1991) sleeps peacefully... "back then" we were told to sleep our babies on their tummies... that would be a huge medical error in today's opinion. Check out the hairline just above baby Matt's eyebrow... his bangs went all the way down his forehead... now, move ahead in time, and look at Noah's hairline... UNCANNY!!!!!!!!!!!! How could they look SO identical, without being related biologically? Must be God's way of making us all FAMILY!!!!!
Noah LOVES sleeping in his bouncy seat (Thanks Grandma Karen!)... the little vibration in the seat soothes him, and the music the seat provides lulls him to dreamland! He's SUCH a good baby... never fussy (unless mommy is picking at him, or changing a diaper, ha). He is always alert and happy (well, this round of photos doesn't show much "alert") hahaha.

We've learned that sleeping on his back isn't his favorite in his crib... thus, we've graduated to having him sleep on his side. But speaking of sleep, we're not too deprived... Noah blesses us by going down for the night around 9:30 or 10pm, and he doesn't rouse us until around 2am... then sleeping in until after 6:30am... NOT BAD for a newborn!! I'm not complaining, anyway!
I just couldn't get over the comparison of Matthew's baby pictures (I took a picture of his scrapbook page, so I'm sorry for the imperfect photos above... they're 17 yrs old, ha), and our new baby Noah. I guess it just goes to show that a brotherly bond doesn't have to be biological.... they're brothers through and through!!! Ben doesn't mind that Matt and Noah are so connected, he's got the match in appearance (and everything else) with his dad... I'm still left solo. hahaha. I don't mind being the minority and the stand-alone female in my home.... just means they all better take care of me one day when I need them to. hahaha (NOT holding my breath on that one).
1 comment:
The resemblance is amazing!! Pretty cool!! He's such a little cutie!! And aren't bouncy seat the best? Hannah's was practically her second home, next to my arms. :)
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