Monday, February 4, 2008

The COUNTDOWN begins...

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five... ok, so we're only at TEN right now.... the number of days until our precious gift from God is due to arrive. Our niece isn't starting to give signs of any major labor pains or readiness for the blessed event, so I'm half thinking I should back up my countdown and add an additional seven days onto it. The doctors have already assured her, however, that she won't go past February 21st. So at the VERY outset, she's got 17 days left of carrying our little Noah for us.

Expecting a baby is never the same from one time to the next. I remember thinking when I was pregnant with Ben, that is seemed so different from when I was pregnant with Matt ~ just because with Matt, my entire focus was devoted to the upcoming delivery. With Ben then, my focus was somewhat split between my upcoming delivery, as well as my preschooler's excitement. THIS time, not only am I focusing on the upcoming delivery (which isn't even my, for that matter) but I'm focusing on my teenager's social life and school activities, my middle schooler's sports activities and homework monitoring, AND my awesome career and hobbies! My plate is full, so to speak. ha! But, then I've never been one to sit idle and revel in boredom.

We have the diaper bag packed, the carseat by the door, and Ed & my clothes in the laundry, in preparation of packing a bag to be ready for that announcement call that labor has begun.

Whatever you're waiting for in your life ~ whether it's news on a new job; scores on a test you studied hard for; the perfect house to go up for sale so you can snatch it up; test results from a doctor's visit... no matter what phone call or letter (does anyone get those in the mail anymore?), announcement or update you might be waiting for... remember that all things worthwhile take time, and all things that are HIS plan for your life will eventually present themselves to you. They may not be what you're hoping for, or what you'd expect or what in your life, but whatever you're waiting for, let GOD's grace and love touch your heart, and refresh your spirit! Life is abundant with HIS creative blessings, and what you might see as a blow to the gut, might just be the fresh start you're waiting for!

Embrace HIS plan, and live life with GUSTO!!!!!!!!!!!!

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