I just couldn't get over the comparison of Matthew's baby pictures (I took a picture of his scrapbook page, so I'm sorry for the imperfect photos above... they're 17 yrs old, ha), and our new baby Noah. I guess it just goes to show that a brotherly bond doesn't have to be biological.... they're brothers through and through!!! Ben doesn't mind that Matt and Noah are so connected, he's got the match in appearance (and everything else) with his dad... I'm still left solo. hahaha. I don't mind being the minority and the stand-alone female in my home.... just means they all better take care of me one day when I need them to. hahaha (NOT holding my breath on that one).
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Uncanny Resemblance...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
One week old
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Out of the Hospital!
Noah loves to just STARE... at whatever crosses his line of vision. I think here he was a little cross-eyed, but Ed says that's because I'm in his face all the time. I suppose he has to learn to focus sooner or later.
Noah has a little cousin, Devon, who is just 8 weeks old... WOWZA, what a size difference!!! And the giggles he can produce are adorable! Soon, Noah will catch up to all the cool things that Devon is doing now.
Noah and Devon have captured the hearts of their Grandpa Dean, and Grandma Karen. How is it that two adorable little boys can sleep so peacefully at the same time? Only with Grandma's touch, I'm sure. Pssst, Karen, I don't think we're going to get that lucky for very long, so soak it up now, while you can. ha. You're awesome grandparents!!! Can't wait to watch the two boys play at the lake cabin this summer (or next summer.... they'll really be terrors by then) ha.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Super Great Day!!!
Ahhh, the sleepiness that comes from a good bottle, after a warm bath! Noah got his little IV and the white arm board removed this evening at bath-time, and I'm sure he feels so relieved to have freedom of his little arm. He rests peacefully no matter where he is, but especially in the arms (or lap) of his new mommy or daddy.
"Look out world, I'm going to break the hearts of all the little girls I encounter! I have already captured all the winks and grins of the crews of nurses in the Special Care Nursery... they can't get enough of me!" Noah stops the nurses in their tracks, he's so cute! And I don't think that's just a biased mommy talking, either! He's perfect, and we couldn't be more blessed! And he smells SOOO good!!!!! :) His curls are so soft and sweet! I hope you get to meet him in person one day... he'll touch your life forever, like he's touched ours already!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Ups and Downs...
Our day had several turns... we started out great with a healthy little guy, and turned toward the challenges of jauntice, possible infection, lack of eating-thus lack of messy or wet diapers. His cards were stacking higher and higher against him, and it's a good thing we opted to have him checked out a little closer, before being discharged from the hospital. But, as you'll see by the end of these photos, his day had a positive turn by late afternoon, and he is thriving again (but still on an IV). He'll come around all the way, just needed a little help from the people who do it best.
Noah basks in the warmth of his isolette. They had him "living" in here for 24 hours, so that he would have help shedding the jauntice, and hoping to perk him up a bit. Check out his cool-dude shades... wish they had them in my size (NOT). Not only was there a set of lights shining down on him from above, but there's also a "light-blanket" under him (see the glow under his back), to give the phototherapy to both front and back at once.
His colorful little hat was specially chosen by one of the nurses. The fact that it was HUGE on most of their premie patients, I think made it a perfect fit for Noah. He loves it (he squirms when I take it off, so that means he loves it, right?), and looks so cool in it! Ed thinks it looks "girlie", but I don't think the girl-scout troop that made it, had blaze orange or camo colored thread for their knitting projects... so blues, yellow, and white is "boy" enough for me. ha.
Daddy burps Noah after a FEAST of a feeding! He ate his best amount yet, and we were so proud of him. He goes into a "milk coma" after a good feeding, as he's headed for here (aka, great deep sleep). There's nothing better than a full baby falling asleep on your shoulder (and he isn't even a "spitter"!!!!!). He's such a little angel! And guess what? He's even GAINING weight! Usually babies loose a couple ounces after birth, but Noah is beating the odds now! He's now weighing in at 7lbs 7oz (born 4oz lighter). He's PERFECT!
Sleep well everyone, we'll update more tomorrow!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
awesome blessing to us!!! 7lbs 3oz, 21 3/4 " long, born at 12:54pm Saturday, February 16, 2008.
We have a room at the hospital, and life is GOOD! I'll update more tonight or tomorrow, but we
couldn't be happier!!! GOD IS GOOD! Ben and Matt are going to love him so much, and he's going to love them back, and idolize them tremendously! He took 36 hours to come into this world, so his birth mom was exhausted. She's doing well though, and will be going home from the hospital today. Noah gets to stay a little longer, probably to go home tomorrow (it's a "guy" thing, ha). We will be in the cities for a few days after that. We'll keep you posted!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy "V" Day!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Today is the time to show special appreciation to those most special in our lives... and of course we all naturally show our love and affection to our spouses, children, and significant others. But I also want to take this opportunity to express my love, appreciation, and admiration to all my friends.... all of you who read this blog. Without you as my support system, my strength, and my encouragers, I wouldn't do half the things I do in life.
As most of you know, I've had a bump or two in my journey through life... but THANKS to you, my friends and family, I have been able to either maneuver around the rocks in my path, kick them to the side, or climb over them (when they were big ol' boulders that seemed unmoveable). It's been through those rocky times in life (whether it was 16 years ago when my first husband died, or 10 years ago when I miscarried our third child, or just last year when I struggled with work stress and unhappiness), that my friends and family have stuck by me and weathered the stormy days by my side! And it's now, in the current clear and lovely path of our recent adoption news that I am thrilled to turn to you all and share our joy, our laughter, our hopes, and our elation! What an amazing gamet this life has provided, and all the while, it's been with friends like you, and THANKS to friends like you, that we can all rejoice in the Lord's blessings and grace!
I love you all.... some differently than others. I love my husband with an intimate and romantic love; I love my children with a nurturing and inspirational love; I love my friends with a grateful and joyous love; I love my sister with a unique and supportive love; I love my parents with a devoted and appreciative love; I love my neighbors with a courteous and helpful love.... no matter what relationship you're celbrating today, make it count. Tell those that you love, how much they mean to you! Don't limit your love and appreciation to one or two people..... wear your love on your sleeve today, and treat this day as an opportunity to boost up someone else, and thank them for being important in your life!
HAPPY "LOVE" DAY! I truly love you all!
As most of you know, I've had a bump or two in my journey through life... but THANKS to you, my friends and family, I have been able to either maneuver around the rocks in my path, kick them to the side, or climb over them (when they were big ol' boulders that seemed unmoveable). It's been through those rocky times in life (whether it was 16 years ago when my first husband died, or 10 years ago when I miscarried our third child, or just last year when I struggled with work stress and unhappiness), that my friends and family have stuck by me and weathered the stormy days by my side! And it's now, in the current clear and lovely path of our recent adoption news that I am thrilled to turn to you all and share our joy, our laughter, our hopes, and our elation! What an amazing gamet this life has provided, and all the while, it's been with friends like you, and THANKS to friends like you, that we can all rejoice in the Lord's blessings and grace!
I love you all.... some differently than others. I love my husband with an intimate and romantic love; I love my children with a nurturing and inspirational love; I love my friends with a grateful and joyous love; I love my sister with a unique and supportive love; I love my parents with a devoted and appreciative love; I love my neighbors with a courteous and helpful love.... no matter what relationship you're celbrating today, make it count. Tell those that you love, how much they mean to you! Don't limit your love and appreciation to one or two people..... wear your love on your sleeve today, and treat this day as an opportunity to boost up someone else, and thank them for being important in your life!
HAPPY "LOVE" DAY! I truly love you all!
Monday, February 11, 2008
FIRST GOAL!!!!!!!!!
Ben scored his first goal in his hockey career this weekend!!!!! His skating has been improving every week, and his confidence has been rising right along with his skills! But he hasn't shot the puck into the net, until YESTERDAY!!! He was in the middle of the crowd of players, all swarming in front of the open net (with seconds left, the other team had pulled their goalie), and he went for it when it was passed to him... he shot, and it went in, giving his team a 5-3 win!!! He was so excited, and to think it was against an undefeated team, too!!! I don't think his smile faded until long after he'd falled asleep last night!!! Now his confidence will REALLY be skating high on the ice in the future!!!
Matt says his shoulders are stiff lately.... I suppose that comes from sitting in a frozen position at play practice for hours on end.... arms folded high in front of him, as Chinese person in the musical The Micado. He has had a blast though, practicing and learning the songs... he gets to wave and maneuver a 6' fan around on stage, but he'll also be wearing volleyball knee pads under his costume, since they have to hit the floor repeatedly. ha. Hey, whatever it takes, right?
Ed is at home today, finishing window trim and moulding around our addition. It's looking SO nice, and almost ready to be finished up with the floor sealer/polish, then an area rug, move in the furniture, and call it good! The floor heat we put in is SO nice... we're going to really love that new sunroom/family room.
As for me? I'm on pins and needles waiting for the call that Noah's decided to make his entrance into the world. Last night was the first night of sleeping with two phones on my nightstand... my cell phone and our home phone. The due-date is Thursday, Valentine's Day, but I'm ready for him TODAY! ha. Just like a kid at Christmas... I know it's going to come sooner or later, but I want it to happen NOW!!!!!
No matter what's going on in your life, or what great achievements your family members are thrilled with, don't forget to take a moment and say "Thanks God"... for today, for yesterday, and for tomorrow! There are blessings all around us, and we're lucky to have a God like we do, watching over us, and holding us in HIS love!
Matt says his shoulders are stiff lately.... I suppose that comes from sitting in a frozen position at play practice for hours on end.... arms folded high in front of him, as Chinese person in the musical The Micado. He has had a blast though, practicing and learning the songs... he gets to wave and maneuver a 6' fan around on stage, but he'll also be wearing volleyball knee pads under his costume, since they have to hit the floor repeatedly. ha. Hey, whatever it takes, right?
Ed is at home today, finishing window trim and moulding around our addition. It's looking SO nice, and almost ready to be finished up with the floor sealer/polish, then an area rug, move in the furniture, and call it good! The floor heat we put in is SO nice... we're going to really love that new sunroom/family room.
As for me? I'm on pins and needles waiting for the call that Noah's decided to make his entrance into the world. Last night was the first night of sleeping with two phones on my nightstand... my cell phone and our home phone. The due-date is Thursday, Valentine's Day, but I'm ready for him TODAY! ha. Just like a kid at Christmas... I know it's going to come sooner or later, but I want it to happen NOW!!!!!
No matter what's going on in your life, or what great achievements your family members are thrilled with, don't forget to take a moment and say "Thanks God"... for today, for yesterday, and for tomorrow! There are blessings all around us, and we're lucky to have a God like we do, watching over us, and holding us in HIS love!
Monday, February 4, 2008
The COUNTDOWN begins...
Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five... ok, so we're only at TEN right now.... the number of days until our precious gift from God is due to arrive. Our niece isn't starting to give signs of any major labor pains or readiness for the blessed event, so I'm half thinking I should back up my countdown and add an additional seven days onto it. The doctors have already assured her, however, that she won't go past February 21st. So at the VERY outset, she's got 17 days left of carrying our little Noah for us.
Expecting a baby is never the same from one time to the next. I remember thinking when I was pregnant with Ben, that is seemed so different from when I was pregnant with Matt ~ just because with Matt, my entire focus was devoted to the upcoming delivery. With Ben then, my focus was somewhat split between my upcoming delivery, as well as my preschooler's excitement. THIS time, not only am I focusing on the upcoming delivery (which isn't even my, for that matter) but I'm focusing on my teenager's social life and school activities, my middle schooler's sports activities and homework monitoring, AND my awesome career and hobbies! My plate is full, so to speak. ha! But, then I've never been one to sit idle and revel in boredom.
We have the diaper bag packed, the carseat by the door, and Ed & my clothes in the laundry, in preparation of packing a bag to be ready for that announcement call that labor has begun.
Whatever you're waiting for in your life ~ whether it's news on a new job; scores on a test you studied hard for; the perfect house to go up for sale so you can snatch it up; test results from a doctor's visit... no matter what phone call or letter (does anyone get those in the mail anymore?), announcement or update you might be waiting for... remember that all things worthwhile take time, and all things that are HIS plan for your life will eventually present themselves to you. They may not be what you're hoping for, or what you'd expect or what in your life, but whatever you're waiting for, let GOD's grace and love touch your heart, and refresh your spirit! Life is abundant with HIS creative blessings, and what you might see as a blow to the gut, might just be the fresh start you're waiting for!
Embrace HIS plan, and live life with GUSTO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Expecting a baby is never the same from one time to the next. I remember thinking when I was pregnant with Ben, that is seemed so different from when I was pregnant with Matt ~ just because with Matt, my entire focus was devoted to the upcoming delivery. With Ben then, my focus was somewhat split between my upcoming delivery, as well as my preschooler's excitement. THIS time, not only am I focusing on the upcoming delivery (which isn't even my, for that matter) but I'm focusing on my teenager's social life and school activities, my middle schooler's sports activities and homework monitoring, AND my awesome career and hobbies! My plate is full, so to speak. ha! But, then I've never been one to sit idle and revel in boredom.
We have the diaper bag packed, the carseat by the door, and Ed & my clothes in the laundry, in preparation of packing a bag to be ready for that announcement call that labor has begun.
Whatever you're waiting for in your life ~ whether it's news on a new job; scores on a test you studied hard for; the perfect house to go up for sale so you can snatch it up; test results from a doctor's visit... no matter what phone call or letter (does anyone get those in the mail anymore?), announcement or update you might be waiting for... remember that all things worthwhile take time, and all things that are HIS plan for your life will eventually present themselves to you. They may not be what you're hoping for, or what you'd expect or what in your life, but whatever you're waiting for, let GOD's grace and love touch your heart, and refresh your spirit! Life is abundant with HIS creative blessings, and what you might see as a blow to the gut, might just be the fresh start you're waiting for!
Embrace HIS plan, and live life with GUSTO!!!!!!!!!!!!
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