Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Short week...

ahhhh, the only thing better about going INTO a Holiday weekend, is when the week following it is shortened by it. I love that it's already "humpday" tomorrow... making for a shortened work week. Although, that also brings my latest challenge closer to the present.... running my first 5k race!

When I had trouble with my hand surgery last year, and overdid it when I returned to the pool (big surprise that I ever "over-did" anything, hahaha), I started running and biking for exercise. So now the bug's bitten me again. I'm running outside now that there's no longer a -40 below windchill factor, and I try to log at least 3 miles per run, when I do it. I have my handy-dandy ipod blaring the tunes into my ears, more for the fact that it drowns out my huffing and puffing, than because I like the songs. But, since I've been running again, I figured I might as well try my hand at a race... so this Saturday, I'll run my first 5k. Now, that's only 3.1 miles, so I should do ok. But I hope to finish in a decent time, so we'll see how it goes.

As with anything I do, I kind of go overboard, and actually this afternoon I've been surfing the net for upcoming triathlons and 1/2 marathons. Don't get me wrong, I'd have to bike a little before doing a tri, and I am in NO shape to run a 1/2, but one never knows what the future might hold for me, or what fate might tempt me with. I have learned long ago to never say never, about anything.

Run for the health of it, and have a great day!!!

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