Remember that cute, cuddly little baby I had 17 years ago? The one that I bought that little Fischer Price phone that you pulled the string, and it rolled along behind you, with the eyes on the front of the phone fluttering? Why did I EVER get him that little cute phone toy? Look at him now!!! He's NEVER off that cell phone! ha. He tells me it's a sign of being socially well-adjusted, and being fortunate to have so many friends (yeah, and he doesn't have to pay the cellular bill, either) hahaha. He is a great kid though... if talking on the cell phone is his worst offense, then I consider myself lucky!!!
His date, Sarah, is a very sweet girl. They're good friends, and they made an awesome looking couple that night! (I asked her dad if he was headed for therapy after seeing his daughter in such a knock-out dress though). I don't think I EVER had a body like that (not even at her age).

Ben wasn't interested in
willingly posing for a photo with his big brother, but I'm GLAD I got him to cooperate, so I can keep this moment in time into the future.

A cool "family" portrait..... Ben, Kylie (the daughter I never had... our neighbor for years, and Matt's best friend), Matt, and Noah. Kylie's a senior... we're sure going to miss her when she's off at college (even if it is just up the road at UND)! She's been just like a sister to Matt & Ben.... and they're truly like her little brothers. So we couldn't pass up the opportunity to snap a picture of all of them together (even though Noah had fallen asleep during the Grand March).
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