Thursday, April 24, 2008
Jr. Prom!!!
Fun Times in the Spring Time
Monday, April 14, 2008
A Night of Noah...
An evening at the Hippen house... we come home from work, and try to unwind with the family. Noah gets out of his car seat, we assess if it's bottle-time or not, and go from there. Tonight was no different... although Noah put us through the paces. We went from one activity to another this evening....
Alas.... after fussing, and posing, and eating, and napping, here's the laughter that makes it all worth it!!! He giggles with us every day, but it's so unpredictable, it's hard to capture on camera so far. But I got this one!!! Our happy Noah makes evenings at our house so precious!!! (Ben and Matt are pretty cool too, but they're not as cuddly anymore. hahaha!!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Noah Dean Hippen, welcome to the Lord's family! You're a child of God from birth, but by Baptism you have been set free from the bondage of sin! You're such an amazing blessing, little one!!!!!
He slept peacefully through most of the service, until it was his shining moment! He wore his cousin's (Thomas) baptismal outfit.
Godparents Jay and Sarah Raymond embraced the moment, and love him so much!! Noah was attentive to what the Pastor was saying about him!
Big Brother Matt sang a solo in church for Noah... The Borning Cry... a lot of sniffles around the congregation, as it was VERY moving, and so special. Noah squirmed a little, and Matt did an amazing job with staying focused on the song, while rotating his little brother in his arms. A few tears even escaped my eyes, as it was such a cherished moment.
Ben wasn't sure which camera to look at during out "photo opp."... but he looked handsome in his acolyte robe anyway (he was trying not to smile, due to his newly acquired braces on his teeth).
It seems like all we do is gaze down on Noah... he captivated us endlessly. He's such a blessing, and reminds us of what's REALLY important in life.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Matt's big performance

This is going to be a huge weekend for us... with Matt's musical each night between now (Thursday) and Sunday, Ben's b'day tomorrow (can't believe he's already 12) and Noah's baptism (with family coming to town for it) on Sunday. I think I can expect to sleep soundly on Sunday night, ha.
I'm sure I'll have a lot of photos to add here after the weekend, so I'll hold off for now. On top of the upcoming busy schedule for the weekend, this week has been equally jam-packed with events.... namely dentist visits.... Ben got braces this week!!!!!!!!!!!! (gotta love the modern technology of camera phones, ha).

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