Monday, July 2, 2007

Let Freedom Ring...

I love that phrase... "Let Freedom Ring" ~ it can apply to so many things! We are free to be wild and crazy if we want; free to speak our minds; free to sing at the top of our lungs (if there are no teenagers in the car); free to wear what we want (at our own risk of humiliation that is); we're free to just BE! Just BE happy, just BE ourselves, just BE what we want to be in life!

I'm in a state of transition, as it were.... with my job, with my outlook, with my goals in life. So I cherish my "Freedom".... I get to choose WHAT I want to do in life, I get to choose WHEN I want to do certain things in life, and I get to choose WHERE I want to spend my time. I feel so fortunate that I am free to be happy, and seek out new opportunities in which that happiness can spread to others, and be manifested within myself as well. I have some exciting interviews coming up at the end of this week, one next week, and I couldn't be more excited! I have had some great opportunities in life, and then again, some times in life that haven't been so peachy. But in any case, at any time in life, I've been FREE to choose how to react to those situations, and FREE to choose whether to take a negative view of my circumstances, or a positive view. As is the case this time around, while I seek a new career path. I GET to start a new chapter in life, and I GET to be FREE of the old, uncomfortable, mundane job that has frustrated me for so long.

Any kind of change in life is hard, but sometimes it's for the best. I know I have it pretty "cushy" here in my present job, but the opportunity to spread my wings in some new directions is so thrilling, and really makes me feel alive and optimistic! My "freedoms" might change (like my long lunches, or my ability to run errands when ever and where ever I liked), but the potential of so many new and yet-to-be-realized possibilities is something to smile about.

Change is good... just muster up the courage and GO FOR IT!

Embrace FREEDOM... Live with GUSTO!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.