Daddy and Noah nap on the couch one Monday afternoon when Ed had the day off, and I was still on "leave". I didn't stray far from their side, for fear one of them might decide to roll over, but no worries, nobody moved. I think they might have BOTH drooled on the leather though. ha

Bathtime had become SUCH a fun time. Noah loves his cozy towels after a nice warm soak in the tub. I couldn't resist this perfect shot of innocence. Wonder how long this innocent charm will last. hahaha.

The hint of a smile! Noah's been smiling more lately (not just gas, either), but I never seem to have the camera handy when we're laughing and smiling together. I cherish those moments so much, that I just freeze and sit over him, laughing with him, trying to coax him on and get more giggles out of him. I'm sure I'll be able to capture a HUGE grin in no time. And you can bet I'll share it with all of you when I do.

Fighting sleep is always part of the game. Here Noah tries to rid himself of a burp, with dad's help, before taking his evening nap. This picture was just a half hour ago, and he's already awake again, and ready for a couple hours of hanging out with mommy and daddy! He's growing so much and we love him so deeply!
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