Ben's football season has been going pretty well... he plays on the JV as a freshman, but he also has been getting some pretty decent amount of playing time on the varsity team. Being in a small town, the JV team always dresses for all the varsity games anyway. His greatest amount of playing time, was their varsity homecoming game when we were winning against our opponents - 66-6. So it wasn't too risky to let the JV get some game experience against some larger players.

Here Ben chases down the opponents, trying to zig zag back to their line of scrimmage.

Ben pushed in there for a piece of the action (#81), trying to hit before being hit (good philosophy if you ask me).

Ed and Noah walk the sidelines during a timeout of Ben's football game. Noah is pretty good about sticking by us, and gets into cheering for the guys. He especially likes when he can tell which player is Ben (which is usually only when we really point him out to Noah, as he doesn't know his numbers quite yet). ha.

Even though Ben is stinky after a game, Noah was proud to stand next to his big brother football player for a quick picture.
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