Check out that military stance... maybe Matt's time in the Sea Cadets paid off... he can stand with proper military form when needed. ha (I did have to help him shine his shoes though).

Noah is supposed to be helping his counterpart sing this song in French, but he does a good job of just sitting there on stage and looking cute.

His expression might look like he's hating every minute of this, but you should see him playing with the other cast members backstage... he's the star of their show.

He's doing what he does best... taking it all in, and melting hearts.

Matt's serious side really comes out in this role... Lt. Cable isn't a joker, and Matt's serious enough to pull it off. I'm so proud of my boys!!!

There was also a scene where they kiss, but I just couldn't bring myself to post that one... he's still my "baby" afterall, even though he's legally an adult now. ha. Handsome, great voice, this mother is so proud.
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