On this great fall evening, Ben, Noah, and I ventured out to
the rural home of some friends of ours, the Whiteheads.
Jim and Veronica were so kind as to let us have
our pick of pumpkins in their home-grown pumpkin patch.
Ben helped Noah pick out one that was just perfect for him.
Noah posed with his perfect little pumpkin, and soon realized how fun it was to be
perched atop this monster orange pumpkin.
The boys couldn't believe their eyes at all the pumpkins that surrounded them.
Small ones, big ones, warty ones, smooth ones...
it was fun to see all the variations of the growth in this one patch of produce.
Perch a two year old on a giant pumpkin, and you're sure to get a goofy smile out of him. ha. It was a fun evening outing, even though the mosquitoes were outrageous! Who woulda thought that in October, there could be 80 degree temps and swarms of mosquitoes to eat us alive?
It was even hard to sit still long enough to pose the boys for this fun snapshot. Ben swatted the bugs during every shot, so why not capture the natural effect of the moment? ha