Where did my baby go? He's such a big boy now, with is grown up haircut! Time certainly doesn't stand still, that's for sure.

Noah's curls are history for now. I tried giving him a haircut (he's gotten haircuts twice before from me), and he just wouldn't sit still, so the chances of getting it cut evenly were pretty slim, so the clippers had to come into play. But he keeps rubbing his head and thinks it's funny, so no harm done!

Hair or no hair, Noah's a CLIMBER for sure... especially because he spied the remote control (or Ben's cell phone) in the recliner in this picture. ha. I'm surprised he didn't grab his little kid chair and take it over to the recliner, and climb up on that to get to his destination. Or... maybe he did, and that's why I dropped the camera to grab whatever he was after before he got to it.

Yep, sure enough, it was the remote he was after. You can see the satisfaction written all over his face once he got what he was going for.

This is what Ben calls "watching Noah". We were building a deck this weekend, and the sun was glorious!! The warmth must have simply melted Benny, as he SURELY had no clue what Noah was up to, just inches away from him. Of course, I was right there with the camera, so really I had it all under control. ha. But it was pretty funny!

Noah helped Ed pick up once the deck construction was all done for the day. He really loved running around up there. It's going to be a fabulous summer outside for us.

Noah even wanted to find out how a palm sander worked. I had already unplugged the extension cord from the wall, so no danger lurked for my curious little guy. It's so much fun to see him explore, walk around the yard, and just grow up in the wonder of it all. To watch the learning take place first hand is truly a blessing. God is so good!!!