Friday, July 13, 2007

Three Cheers for the UNEMPLOYED

Yes, it's true... I did it ~ I finally resigned my position at Innes Construction!!! It's been a LONG, excruciating, stressful (ok, maybe it wasn't all THAT bad) 5 years of dedicated service, and it's all come to a close. I have felt for a very long time that I wasn't in the right line of work, and it was time for a change. So, with gusto (as is the case with most everything I do or consider) I opted for a career change! The job hunting has gone well, for a new opportunity, and as we speak, my name is being considered for a great position at UND (so cross your fingers and say a little prayer for me). I know.... most of you would cringe at the thought of leaving a job without having another one securely buttoned up. And as I tried to explain to my safe, secure, smart, practical husband, I JUST DON'T LIVE LIKE THAT. hahaha. For those of you that know and love me, you're thinking "DUH". ha.

But don't fear, I have a really good feeling about this one at UND, and you know what? If that job doesn't come to pass and end up being the one that's offered to me, something will come along. Of course I'll do the legwork to go out there and FIND that perfect job, but in the mean time, I'm going to take some much needed time for myself, my family, and just enjoy the summer! In fact, right this minute, I'm "lovingly prodding" Ben (ok, I'm harping at him) to hustle up and finish eating his cereal, because we're headed out the door to drive t0 his 11 yr old All Star Tourney (5 LONG hours away). Hopefully it will be a winning weekend of sunshine, cheering, and lots of laughs! TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME..........

I hope you all are loving summer, and loving your current jobs/careers! Life's too short to be in a miserable work environment, and there is always something out there that is a better fit. I know the grass isn't always greener, there might just be a different variety of weeds in the lawn, but it can't hurt to explore options, and as I always say...


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